Vogelpark Haßloch


City: Haßloch

Country: Germany

State: Rhineland-Palentine


Opend 1955


Species 100

This small birdpark is beautyfully sitauated in forest and much of thr road take us around a lake with different ducks. Since 1975 it is the bird sanctury for the country of Rhineland-Palentine

Vis stort kort
Last visit 2012

Vogelpark Haßloch
Rennbahnstraße 161
D 67454 Haßloch



Phone nr 06324-1553

Open 10am-5pm



Entrance fee

  • Adult 0 Euro
  • Child 0 Euro

  • 21 June 1953: "Verein für Schutz und Pflege einheimischer und fremdländischer Vögel e. V." was founden by 16 bird friends
  • 1955: The society asked the municipality for a place to put a bird park near the forrest and they handed them the fish pond, which was used as a garbage dump. The first animals where mute swans. The society became a part of  "Association of German forest bird lovers" and "German League for Bird Protection
  • 1959: general opening for the public
  • 1963: The restaurant and clubhouse was build
  • 1975: Bird sanctuary for the state Rhineland-Palentine
  • 1996: Playground is build
  • 1997: 6 new indoor heated parakeet aviaries where built
  • 1999: A large aviary for ibis's was build
  • 2013: Renovation of the restaurant
Map 2011
Around a former fish pond enclosures and aviaries for including ravens, cranes, flamingos, emus and rheas are found. Here you also find the ten-meter high ibis aviary. In the large aviaries of pheasant you will also unusual species from the family of tragopans and curassows. It is also home several cardinal species and native songbirds. A long series of aviaries is home for parrots like macaws, parakeets and Amazons, including confiscated or 'stress animals'. In a  aviary birds of wetlands live such as the little egret.

DE: Dieser kleine Vogelpark ist einer von über 50 im Raum zwischen Karlruhe und Darmstadt - davon haben aber nur 3 mehr als 100 Arten. Dieser Vogelpark liegt mitten in einem Wald und zeigt u.a. Tragopane und Hokkos

DK: Denne lille fuglepark er en blandt over 50 i mellem Darmstadt og Karlsruhe - heraf er der dog kun 3 der har over 100 arter. Denne fuglepark ligger midt i en skov og viser bl.a. tragopaner og hokkoer
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